Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Video |
3 February | Akshat Das | University of Houston | An adelic version of the three gap theorem | YouTube |
10 February | Jiyoung Han | TIFR | The asymptotic distribution of the joint values of the integral lattice points for a system of a quadratic form and a linear form | |
17 February | Julien Trevisan | Sorbonne Université – Université de Paris | Limit laws in the lattice counting problem. The case of ellipses. | |
24 February | — | | | |
3 March | Irving Calderón | Laboratoire de Mathématiques d’Orsay | S-adic quadratic forms and Homogeneous Dynamics | YouTube |
10 March | Nattalie Tamam | University of Michigan | Classification of divergence of trajectories | YouTube |
17 March | Nate Hughes | University of Exeter | Effective Counting and Spiralling of Lattice Approximates | |
24 March | Simon Machado | University of Cambridge | Superrigidity and arithmeticity for some aperiodic subsets in higher-rank simple Lie groups | |
31 March | Johannes Schleischitz | Middle East Technical University | Exact uniform approximation and Dirichlet spectrum | YouTube |
7 April | Emilio Corso | ETH | Asymptotics of the equidistribution rate of expanding circles on compact hyperbolic quotients and applications | YouTube |
14 April | Mikolaj Fraczyk | University of Chicago | Thin part of the arithmetic orbifolds | YouTube |
21 April | — | | | |
28 April | Ian Hoover | Boston College | Effective Equidistribution on Hilbert Modular Surfaces | YouTube |
5 May | Jiajie Zheng | Brandeis University | Dynamical Borel–Cantelli Lemma for Lipschitz Twists | |